Use of Add Credit and Debit Card in Windows Phone Wallet helps you to purchase apps, games and Xbox movies, tv shows instantly. You don’t need to add your card details in front of anyone else if you have added it earlier. The Wallet app from Windows Phone makes it easy to store and use credit cards, debit cards, membership cards and coupons. In Windows Phone 8.1, you can also add boarding passes or event tickets.
A lot of the things you’d normally keep in your pocket or purse can be stored digitally in your Windows Phone Wallet, such as credit cards, membership cards, and coupons. You can add new items to your Wallet, and set up a Wallet PIN to protect your purchases.
If your phone is running Windows Phone 8.1—the newest version of Windows Phone—you can add more items, like event tickets and boarding passes, to your Wallet. Look for an attachment in an email with the extension .mswallet, and tap the attachment to add it to your Wallet. Certain apps can add items to your Wallet for you, and you can even set up reminders when you’re near a place where an item can be used, or when a coupon is about to expire.
Here are some things you can put in your Wallet:
- Credit or debit cards – Purchase apps and games in the Windows Phone Store, or simply keep track of your card account info. And if your service provider and phone support it, you can even set up credit or debit cards to make NFC purchases in stores. (This requires a special, secure SIM card.)
- Boarding passes – Show and scan your boarding pass at the airport or bus terminal (Only available in Windows Phone 8.1).
- Event tickets – Show and scan tickets to concerts, sporting events, and more (Only available in Windows Phone 8.1).
- Loyalty cards – Show and scan your loyalty cards at the grocery store or your favorite restaurant.
- Membership cards – Check out books at the library, check in at the gym, and more.
- Coupons – Keep track of your Bing deals and other coupons.
- Windows Store and Xbox gift cards – Redeem your Windows Store and Xbox gift cards, then spend them on apps and games in the Windows Phone Store. (You can also use them in the Windows Store and select Xbox stores.)
In this tutorial we will share adding credit or debit cards to your Windows Phone’s Wallet.
#1. Open Wallet App, Flick to Apps Screen and click on Wallet.
#2. If you have accessed this app first time, you will see welcome screen. To continue, click get started.
#3. You are asked to give your permission for this app to get access to and use your location. This information will be used to show you location. So click allow.
#4. Now Swipe to right for All screen. Here you will see Debit or Credit cards you have added till now. This is empty when you first start this app as you haven’t added one.
#5. Now to add a card, Tap the plus button below the screen.
#6. In the Add to wallet screen, tap credit or debit card.
#7. Now in New card screen, you will see a check box to select your card for purchasing music and Xbox purchases as well. SO if you want, them click check box. Tap Next.
#8. Now enter your Card details like card no, expiry date, cvv code etc.
#9. Once verify your information and click Next.
#10. You can also choose to link card with other apps that can offer more information related to it, such as balance, transaction history, contact information, etc. Tap Next.
#11. Now you will see your card added in Wallet.
Tap the back button on your Windows Phone to go back to the main screen. Here you will also see that the new card has been added to the list of available credit and debit cards.
This is tutorial of adding credit and debit card in windows phone wallet. It is rather a simple task for people once they knows it well. Also Don’t forget to put security code on to save your card details from others.
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